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Membership Committee

Polices and Procedures

ARCHIVES Committee

By-Laws Committee

Budget and Finance Committee

Community Service Committee

Education Committee

Ethics Committee

Human Rights Committee

Membership Committee


1- maintain a current list of membership roster and update members' contact information as appropriate.

2- send email reminders to the members regarding timely renewals.

3- coordinate with the Treasurer regarding payment of dues 

4- plan recruitment strategies and membership retention.

5- coordinate with appointed Liaison officers in recruitment efforts.

6- ensure new members will receive Welcome Packets

7- maintain current PNAGF brochure

NOMELEC Committee

Publicity Committee

Policy and Procedure of the Publication Committee


To establish a form of effective communication to PNAGF Memberships and to its constituents and set a date for timely publication of the              PNA Highlights Newsletter and to update the PNAGF Website,, The official email of PNAGF is



Publication of PNAGF Official Newsletter, PNA Highlights, will be twice a year. (optional to be voted by PNAGF EB)

Updates and posting of News and Announcements of PNAGF activities in regular basis as it is needed.



1. At the beginning of the new fiscal year, the Publication Committee will notify the PNAGF Committees to set a time for them to submit articles or any announcements for each of their upcoming or recent events that had been done for posting for the sole purpose of membership information.


2. The editorial members of the Publication Committee shall be responsible for collecting and initial editing of submitted documents from contributors.


3. When it is ready for lay out, the documents are reviewed again by The Publication Committee to make sure they all passed PNAGF standards and there are no issues that need to be presented to the PNAGF Executive Board prior to publication.


4. All articles and photos accompanied by each, must be pertinent and related to the organization’s mission and goals.

All documents and visual aids will become the PNAGF’s property and will not be released without the permission from the writer to any entity.


.5. All publication regarding PNAGF representation and paid by PNAGF treasury must need a permission from the Publication Committee before an AD is released to requesting solicitor. It should be accompanied by a requesting letter that serve as an invoice for auditing purposes.

After it is published, as promised by the solicitor, they need to send a copy to PNAGF Publication Committee for archive purposes. 

Regarding the cost of the PNAGF AD, unless the said organization has already supported PNAGF with same cost of AD given, any circumstance that PNAGF is being asked, PNAGF EB has to decide the cost of the requested AD.

PNAGF Publication Committee must present the final production of the AD to PNAGF EB or the Publication Chair may decide for its approval. 


Dates to Remember for Publication or Updates of PNAGF Communications 

Spring Issue Date of Submission:  March 30 - April 15 Release Date: April 30 or anytime when it is done.

Fall Issue Date of Submission:  August 15- August 25 Release Date: September 15 or anytime when it is done.  


Other publication:

Emails from the President: As needed Anytime to, the official email address of PNAGF.

Emails from the Committee Chairs: Must be approved by the President as he or she is consulted initially, and IF needed, be approved by the PNAGF EB before disseminating to PNAGF Memberships.


Emails from the PNAGF website Contact us will be presented to PNAGF President or EB as appropriate.


Not included: Management of Facebook Account/Admin as decided by the PNAGF EB

Submitted by: PNAGF Publication Committee



Scholarship Committee



(US  Students  Requirements)




Serve as guidelines for US Graduate Programs, Doctorate and Undergrad Senior Nursing Students applying for Scholarship grant.



  1. Applicants may access PNAGF website to obtain the application forms  and list of requirements needed for approval of scholarship fund.

  2. Download the application forms as well as the procedure requesting for the scholarship grant.

  3. Completed application & required documents should be postmarked by

October 6, 2019  (12 mn for Year 2019)



  1. Applicants should be an active member of PNAGF Undergraduate senior nursing students

(can apply & pay their membership fee on the same date of their application,

graduate programs (such as DNP,NP, Nurse Anesthetist) and doctorate programs

  • ​

  1. Two (2) recommendation letters from Nursing Clinical Instructors / University Professors

And two (2) recommendationlettersfrom colleagues.

  1. Completed PNA Gulf Coast, FL  application

  2. Proof of acceptance in these said University/ Colleges currently enrolled

  3. Original copies of Scholastic Records with GPA of 3.5  (or 85%) and above,    mail to:

PNAGF Scholarship Committeecoming directly from School to):

                               C/O  Tita Edralin Ravi, MA, MSN, RN, CCM

P.O. Box 2388

Palm Harbor, FL34682

All documents has to be mailed to the address above.

  1. Applicants should be of Filipino descent.

  2. Copies of Resume with two (2) , “2X2”  ID pictures of the applicants.

  3. Mailed documents should be postmarked by: Octoberber 6, 2019 till 12 mn (sunday);

  Late applications will not be entertained.

  1. Applications will be confidential  and  shall not be returned.

  2. Submit an essay, at least 300 words:

What are your goals and plans in joining PNAGF ?

As an active member of this PNAA Chapter how can you assist in increasing the membership?

  1. Interview will be conducted by the Scholarship Committee by appointment, possibly

Between October 10 , 2019till October 13, 2019 ( teleconference with at least 4 members of the committee who will be available on these dates).

****NO EMAIL please.

Ways and Means Committee

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